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How To Write Content For Publication Online

How To Write Content For Publication Online
By TJ Philpott

Learning how to write content for the purpose of increasing your exposure online is essential for anybody using this very effective marketing strategy! Due to the time and effort typically invested in writing, you also need to do what you can to make sure people read what you wrote! Having said that here's a 5 step guideline to use for composing content that will help ensure people find and read what you wrote!

The Idea

The subject or topic you select needs to be popular or interesting while also reflecting some type of relevance to what you represent! If what you composed is both interesting and relevant to your needs, and I'll assume it is, it will be that much more effective marketing whatever it is you offer! The relevancy will appeal to your targeted audience while the interest or popularity will get them to read what you wrote!

The Research

The content you publish MUST be accurate insofar as any 'facts' stated and this generally calls for a bit of research! In fact, assuming you're not a walking encyclopedia, in the vast majority of cases you'll need to do a little 'digging' around to better educate yourself on what you're writing about! Fear not since you have at your fingertips quite possible the largest collection of facts and figures known to mankind, the internet!

The Composing

This step may present the biggest challenge of all to anybody using content to increase their exposure online! Not many are naturally 'gifted' at putting their thoughts into words however you'll find that the more you write the easy it becomes, just like walking, talking or riding a bike! Practice makes perfect or at least brings dramatic improvements!

The Editing

Of course this aspect also involves a bit of your fretting about how what you composed looks to others! Let's face it none of us want to publish anything online that makes you look less than intelligent to the people who read what you wrote! One important note here however is to resist the temptation to edit while you're in the middle of writing since it can disrupt your train of thought! If there are errors to be corrected, trust me, they'll be there for you when you get around to editing!

The Optimizing

This particular step is of critical importance for helping you increase your exposure online with anything you've written! Strategically placing keywords throughout your content helps the search engines find it, rank it and deliver it to people looking for information like what you have published!

Learning how to write content for the internet is as simple as 1,2,3, well OK, 4 and 5 as well! The 5 steps reviewed above focus on helping you get the most out of a very viral and effective marketing strategy! To maximize your exposure online you'll also never what to overlook the use of keywords or the importance of editing your work before it's published! After all do you want the people who read what you wrote to think it was composed by a trained chimpanzee? Me neither although I have developed a strange urge for a banana right about now!

TJ Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina.
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How To Write Better SEO Articles

By Stanculescu Mihai Bogdan
Even if you are not a native writer, you can write a good SEO article. However, before explaining to you how is it possible to write better articles, let's talk a little about the market of articles, and about some methods that would allow you to position yourself better in this market.
There are some writers that can't even spell basic English, writers that are still able to make good internet money. How is that possible? In my opinion, every ORIGINAL article written on internet has its value. Even those written by Asian writers with no experience and skills have their value. Maybe a buyer would not be willing to pay more than 0.5 $ / 500 words of this kind, but even such an article can be sold by people who know how to write SEO articles.
You might ask what a person would do with such an article. I must admit I have never asked my clients what would they do with my articles, and this is one of the basics rules that you must respect when you write SEO articles. As long as a client has paid you for an article, you don't have any right about it anymore. In fact, this is the basic of content article writing, and this is the reason why this kind of writing is called ghostwriting.
However, I think there are two methods for buyers to use this kind of bad SEO article. First, they might use it only for SEO optimization. The article would be placed on an obscure page of their website, in a section that is never accessed by visitors, only for SEO purposes. The Google crawlers would index the respective page, as it contains the keywords, and the article would be accessed only by a limited number of visitors. This is a common practice, so don't be surprised if you find a solid website with great articles, but also with a bad section that contains only articles giving you headaches.
Another method to use those articles is to correct them. I am the kind of writer that doesn't like to get back on his work, but there are some webmasters that just can't do it other way. Those webmasters buy bad articles with low prices, giving them to a native proofreader for modifications. On the other hand, it is not such a great deal. A bad article with a cost of $1 might need solid corrections, and a native corrector would request at least $2 to modify the respective article. Total costs would be $3 for an article. With this kind of money, you can find writers (like me), who are not perfect in English, but whom can write good articles for any kind of internet site.
As a conclusion, it is a good idea for a writer to learn how to write SEO articles better, instead of dealing with bad content. Moreover, Google introduced some new algorithms that are able to detect bad content; therefore, it is better to have a website with quality content all over, instead of having a section with bad articles.
A writer that is able to write SEO articles with limited English notions can always improve his or hers skills. Let's see some methods that would allow you to write good content articles after a while.
Always listen to your clients
If you are a beginner and you have just wrote your first SEO article, your client might have better notions of English than you, therefore he or she might send the article back for proofreading. Correct the article and keep the advices of the respective person in mind. You would never guess how many important and interesting facts you might find out about writing just by correcting your own articles, considering the specifications of clients.
Find guides and English courses online
It is not that hard to learn how to write SEO articles. You just need a few notions about keywords, density and page arrangement. The level of English is much more important. Don't stop writing, but whenever you have some free time, use it wisely and study the free English guides available on the internet. You might even want to find the paid guides, which are more effective, but make sure to spend your money wisely.
Read a lot. English articles, news and guides are perfect to improve your English level. However, there is nothing better than a solid guide is.
Watch movies in your own language without subtitles. This way, your brain would "train" itself to translate the movie. This empiric method was used by many writers, and it is the perfect method to improve your English at conversational level.
With all those aspects in your mind, you will be able to write SEO articles effectively after a while, and to improve your content article writing style, allowing you to write for more money.
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